Thursday, August 9, 2012

Formula 3 HerbaLife cell activator

Supports the body’s absorption of micronutrients and promotes cellular energy production.*
Key Benefits
  • Contains aloe, which may help support the body's absorption of
  • Supports cellular energy production.
  • Contains select botanicals, nutrients and powerful antioxidants to
    support healthy aging.
For Improved Nutrient Absorption  and Energy Production
Poor diet, poor digestion or high levels of stress can contribute to fatigue and lowered resistance. Cell Activator includes a blend of essential nutrients plus select botanicals to support cellular energy production and stamina.

What does Cell Activator® do?
  • Enhances vitality and energy.
  • Powerful antioxidant.
  • Decreases fatigue.
  • Helps in absorption of nutrients
Nutritional Information :
Size:              60 tablets per bottle
Serving size:   1-2 tablets 2 times a day with meals.

100% vegetarian

Cell Activator - Great for enjoying new levels of vitality and good health.
Natural ingredients
Natural Ingradients
IngredientWhat It Does....
Astralagus Root
An herb that acts as a tonic for the immune system
Smilax Officianalis
Considered to be an excellent blood purifier and used in the treatment of skin disorders, such as psoriasis and eczema
Gamma Orizanol
Antioxidant therapy
Bupleurum Root
Expelling pathogenic factors from the exterior to reduce fever, soothing the de-pressed liver and invigorating the spleen-yang.
Fo-Ti Root PowderFo-Ti Root is well recognized as a rejuvenating and longevity tonic in China, where it's consumed routinely by those concerned with youthful strength and vigor. There is also evidence that Fo-Ti offers  natural nutritional support for healthy cholesterol levels.
Wheat Germ Extract
Normalizes cholesterol levels as well as or better than drugs, without any of their side-effects. Its efficacy and safety have been proven in numerous clinical trials in the U.S. and it has been used by millions of  people in other countries.
Cayenene PowderAn antioxidant fruit, with energizing properties, that aids digestion and improves circulation
Ginko Biloba
An herb that supports the brain and nervous system, improving circulation and enhancing memory
Milk thistle fruit powderAn herb that supports healthy liver function
Ligustum Lucidum rootGeneral tonic and an immune system booster. Also been used as a kidney and liver tonic, and as a regulator of menstrual cycles.
Rehamannia Glutinosa
Rehmannia contains Vitamins A, B, C, D, amino acids, cerebroside, dammelittoside, melittoside, rehmaglitin, and other substances that have antiinflammatory and antifungal properties. It helps prevent depletion of glycogen for hypoglycemia and helps disperse heat from the body. Its astringent compounds help stop bleeding of ulcers and reduce inflammation of the digestive system
Pine Bark Extract
Pine bark extract is a potent antioxidant, and may help boost the effects of vitamin C and other antioxidant

Some frequently asked questions on Cell Activator - 
What is Cell Activator?

Cell Activator is an herbal blend of botanicals like Chinese cabbage powder, dried ginkgo extract, Siberian ginseng, astragalus root and fo-ti root along with pine bark extract, a plant rich in antioxidant properties.

What does Cell Activator do?

Cell Activator enables you to get the most out of the foods you eat and enjoy new levels of vitality.

Why do I need Cell Activator?

Sometimes just eating balanced meals does not ensure that we absorb all the nutrients from it effectively. For a variety of reasons like illness or stress, we may be unable to derive all the nutrients from our food, even when we eat balanced meals regularly. Cell Activator contains Kreb's cycle factors that enhance your body's absorption of vitamins and minerals.

What is Kreb's Cycle?

Krebs Cycle refers to a cell's ability to convert glucose and other nutrients to produce energy.

How do Kreb's Cycle factors help us?

By supplying Kreb's cycle factors to the body, along with an exclusive blend of micronutrients, special trace elements and a combination of health enhancing botanicals, Cell Activator helps energize your body's cells and helps to provide the much needed antioxidant properties to your body.

How do I use Cell Activator?

Cell Activator works effectively to optimize your cellular energy production when one to three tablets are consumed three times a day along with meals.