Thursday, August 9, 2012

Formula 2 HerbaLife

Multivitamin Minerals And Herbal Tablets
HerbaLife Formula 2 Multivitamin-Mineral & Herbal Tablets
For weight management and improved health. Contact Us for Best Prices.

Multivitamin Minerals And Herbal Tablets
Whether you’re looking to lose weight or simply want to live at the peak of good health, your body needs good nutrition to function at its best. In today’s fast-paced world, many factors can upset your body’s nutritional balance, such as exposure to environmental pollutants, stress and poor diet. If even one essential nutrient is missing in your diet, your health and vitality can suffer. As a result, you may look and feel tired, get sick easily or have difficulty losing excess weight. Simply put, vitamins are organic nutrients that the body needs to regulate metabolism, assist in converting fat and carbohydrates into energy, and the development of bone and tissue. Every body needs vitamins to function and since the body can’t make most vitamins, we must rely on getting vitamins from
food and supplements.

Herbalife Shape-works Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex

High quality multivitamin supplements to ensure you get all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients your body needs.

Do you eat a high percentage of processed/fast foods?

You can never know how much nutritional value a ready-made meal has compared to a carefully prepared home-made equivalent. That’s why supplementation can be so important.

Do you feel your world or home environment may be affected by chemicals or fumes or dust?

These are all irritants that enter our body by ingestion, inhalation or through the skin. They can built up and cause various reactions, affecting our well-being. A good example would be the connection between house dust and hay fever. Additional antioxidant intake may help combat these environmental influences.

Do you catch colds or flu or bugs easily?

Your body’s fighting force may be malfunctioning due to poorly absorbed nutrients. By topping-up with immune system support, you may be in better position to fight infection.

Do you consume more that the average amount of alcohol daily?

Alcohol (which is just fermented sugar) is rapidly absorbed by the body and turned into energy (calories). Alcohol affects many of the body’s systems and over-consumption can lead to excess fat storage and also weaken the body’s fighting force.

Do you smoke?

Smoking robs the body of Vitamin C and certain B vitamins – one cigarette depletes 25mg of Vitamin C. Each cigarette is a nutritional step backwards.

Key Benefits of this Herbalife Product:-

Essential nutrients and antioxidants for long-term good health and vitality
This Herbalife product helps maintain the health of bones, skin, hair and the immune system
Herbalife Shape-works supports healthy weight management
Key Ingredient Properties

Essential Vitamins:

Vitamin A – fat soluble; necessary for proper vision, especially at night. Needed for correct bone development and growth.
Vitamin B – Fat soluble; helps the body utilize calcium and phosphorus for strong bones and teeth.
Vitamin E – Fat soluble, protective antioxidant properties; important for the heart and circulation, nerves, muscles and red blood cells.
Vitamin C – Water soluble; antioxidant helps with blood cells fight infection. Also needed for healthy skin, and enhances absorption or iron from non-meat sources.
Thiamine – Water soluble; important for release of energy from carbohydrates, aids in the functioning of the nervous system.
Riboflavin – Water soluble; beneficial to vision; needed for converting proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy.
Niacin – Water soluble; vital for energy release in tissues and cells. Helps to maintain a healthy nervous system and digestive systems.
Vitamin B6 – Water soluble; promotes healthy skin and nerves; important for protein metabolism.
Follicle Acid – Water soluble; particularly important as a supplement for women of childbearing age; essential for growth and reproduction of cells, particularly red blood cells. Helps to maintain normal levels of Homo-cysteine. 400 micrograms per day helps to prevent neutral tube defects and spindrift.
Vitamin B12 – Water soluble; contains essential mineral elements; for red blood cell production.
Biotin – Water soluble. Essential for the metabolism of fats/proteins.
PantheisticAcid – Water soluble; essential for the release of energy from food, needed for healthy growth and the production of antibodies.
Para Amino Benzoic Acid – Water soluble; helps keep skin smooth and healthy